Graven definition
Graven definition

graven definition

‘The religious justification derives from the ban on graven images, common to the jealous God of the Old Testament and to Allah.’.‘What follows, of course, are the rules against other gods, graven images, vain swearing, and Sabbath breaking.’.

graven definition

  • ‘The church had interpreted the biblical prohibition against graven images to forbid the creation of sculpture in the round until the early eighteenth century.’.
  • ‘For the early Hebrews God was not in the objects of Nature themselves, hence the outlawing of idols and the construction of graven images.’.
  • ‘Characters insist time and again that they are not pagans who pray to graven images.’.
  • ‘We have not retained the commandment against making graven images because it is no longer relevant.’.
  • ‘Now he doesn't tell people that these images are gods, per se, but he clearly violates the commandment against graven images.’.
  • ‘The Second Commandment extends that prohibition to veneration of material objects - it forbids ‘bowing down to’ or worshipping graven images of any kind.’.
  • ‘There have also been documented examples of Him smiting those caught worshipping graven images.’.
  • ‘Such icons, or graven images, are held in awe by the followers of the respective faiths.’.
  • ‘Both embody the commandments to have no other gods before the Lord and neither to make nor worship graven images.’.
  • graven definition

    ‘The First Commandment reveals all kinds of idols - not simply graven images but common ‘gods,’ like money or fame, and more complicated ones, like works-righteousness.’.

    Graven definition